In both January and May of 2021, I moved locally. Had I listened to almost everyone else’s thoughts, I’d be a hot ass mess forcing my way into living with my beau. 🤮

I heard it all:
~How long have you been dating? 
~Why aren’t you moving in with him?
~You should live together before marriage! 
~You will save money!

Fortunately, at this point, I built up a level of trust in myself as the authority of my love life.

If there’s one rule I’ll ever preach, it’ll be this: Know Thyself. 

I knew I was not available to live with my man back then. It felt rushed and just off. I  was also a clear hell no to saving money as the driving factor for living with him.  I wasn’t interested in bringing that energy to myself, him, or us. 

There was an opportunity for me to be persuaded by others. My dear friends meant well, yet their views were their views; from their lens, based on their experiences, their thoughts, and their pasts.

I decided to trust myself, and I chose to live it. Exercising this level of faith in my instincts transformed me instantly into one who trusts herself. I didn’t want others’ opinions. I turned within and acted on my own guidance. I shared vulnerably & candidly with my beau on where I was.

This is the only way I care to live. Owning my truth and standing in it is who I am. It means more than words could convey. It is worth more than anyone could ever put a price on.

Think about that thing you are grappling with within a relationship (any relationship will do!) If you absolutely trusted yourself, what would be your next move?

Act on it.
Back yourself up.
BE the one who trusts self.

When the mind kicks on (and it will), back yourself up and BE the version of you that trusts yourself. You are so much more powerful than the habitual thought feed that cycles inside you. 🤍