When life is being lifey and threatens to take away something or someone you love fiercely it’s normal to feel anxiety and fear take up shop in your body. This *energy* is intense!
Perhaps you:
~curse it
~ignore it
~overanalyze it
~spew your energy onto anyone/anything else so you don’t have to be with it (ask me how I know 😂)
This causes distortion in your energetic field. You’re asking the anxiety and fear to be something it’s not. You’re asking yourself to be in a state you are not.
When you fear losing someone (or something) you love, the energy swirling in your body/energetic field needs permission to be exactly as it is in the moment.
After hundreds of sessions with clients (and thousands of sessions with myself), I’ve learned: *uncomfortable energy* is an opportunity to nurture the scared parts of self.
When the energy is tended to and acknowledged it has options.
It may:
~intensify for a short bit
~disappear altogether
~transform into something else
~pull up a chair and hang with you longer than you’d like
~deliver clear guidance
~something else entirely because I don’t have ALL the answers 😂
Invitations are ever-present in the human experience. When uncomfortable emotions come knocking, who will you be?
🤔Will you sit with this energy, breathe, and invite it in so it could offer something profound for you now?
🤔Will you contract, close, and shun the energy, thus re-activating the cycle of suppression and re-emergence at a later date?
Either way is doable.
Which timeline do you choose?